Chronic Renal Failure in Dogs
Nine in every 1,000 dogs that are examined suffer from chronic renal disease. And while dogs of any age can be diagnosed with the kidney disease, it is more commonly seen in older dogs.
Failure of the kidney — which among other things regulates blood pressure, blood sugar, blood volume, water composition in the blood, and pH levels, and produces red blood cells and certain hormones — can take so place so slowly, that by the time the symptoms have become obvious, it may be too late to treat the condition effectively. Often, the kidney will find ways to compensate as it loses functionality over the course of months, or even years.
While chronic renal failure cannot be reversed or cured, treatment and management aimed at reducing the contributing factors and symptoms can slow its progression.
Chronic renal failure can affect both dogs and cats. If you would like to learn more about how this disease affects cats, please visit this page in the PetMD health library.
Symptoms and Types Â
Symptoms often occur gradually over an extended petriod of time. In addition, symptoms may vary and not all of those listed below will be seen in every dog:
Causes Â
Causes of kidney failure can include kidney disease, urinary blockage (obstruction of the urinary tract or of the ureters), certain prescription medications, lymphoma, diabetes mellitus, and genetic (hereditary) factors.
The following breeds are prone to chronic renal failure:
Your dog will undergo a complete blood profile, including a chemical blood profile, a complete blood count, and a urinalysis. Dogs with chronic renal failure may have anemia, abnormal electrolyte levels, and elevated blood pressure. The levels of certain protein enzymes and chemicals such as creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) will also be high.
Another good indicator of chronic renal failure is urine that is neither concentrated or dilute, thus indicating the kidney’s inability to process the urine correctly. X-ray or ultrasound imaging may also be used to observe the size and shape of the dog’s kidney(s) to see if there are any visibly noticeable abnormalities. Often, chronic renal failure causes kidneys to become abnormally small.
The prediction of a diseaseâs outcome in advance
A term for a type of neoplasm that is made up of lymphoid tissue; these masses are usually malignant in nature
The failure of the kidneys to perform their proper functions
The product of protein being metabolized; can be found in blood or urine.
An in-depth examination of the properties of urine; used to determine the presence or absence of illness
Blood in the urine
A medical condition in which the stomach becomes inflamed
The amount of pressure applied by the blood on the arteries.
A medical condition in which the body has lost fluid or water in excessive amounts
A type of tool used to separate tissue from bone
Anything having to do with the stomach
A condition of the blood in which normal red blood cell counts or hemoglobin are lacking.