Most dog owners know they should get their pets vaccinated yearly. Typically, they get the DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvo and Parainfluenza) shot on the yearly visit. Tests for heartworms are usually preformed and monthly medicine administered. But did you know there is a harmful bacteria lurking where we live?
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can be found in stagnate surface water, moist soil, ponds and lakes. It is transmitted via urine from wildlife and livestock. Like Parvo, Lepto is a highly contagious. Dogs can get this by drinking or swimming in lake water and/or being in contact with dogs that have the disease. This disease can be lead to liver or kidney failure, even death in dogs. (Studies show that cats appear to have a natural resistance to this disease.)
How to tell if your dog has the disease? Look for signs such as flu-like symptoms, e.g. fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, lethargy to name a few. Check for a yellow cast in the eyes or gums as this can be another sign of your dog being infected. Also look for the following:
- Sudden fever and illness
- Sore muscles, reluctance to move
- Stiffness in muscles, legs, stiff gait
- Shivering
- Weakness
- Depression
- Increased thirst and urination, may be indicative of chronic renal (kidney) failure, progressing to inability to urinate
- Rapid dehydration
- Vomiting, possibly with blood
- Diarrhea â with or without blood in stool
- Bloody vaginal discharge
- Dark red speckled gums (petechiae)
- Yellow skin and/or whites of eyes â anemic symptoms
- Spontaneous cough
- Difficulty breathing, fast breathing, irregular pulse
- Runny nose
- Swelling of the mucous membrane
- Mild swelling of the lymph nodes
Prevention is the key to protecting your dog against this potentially deadly disease. Contact your local veterinarian and discuss if your dog is getting or needing this immunization.
Lepto May Be A Problem As Close As Your Backyard. Madison: Zoetis, 2013. Print.
âBacterial Infection (Leptospirosis) in Dogs.â Pet Health & Nutrition Information & Questions. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 May 2013.
N.d. Photograph. Http://, Tulsa. Veterinary Team Brief. Web. 28 May 2013.