
Canine Kidney Failure | Dog Kidney Failure

Canine Kidney Failure

Canine kidney failure is a condition in which your dog’s kidneys can no longer remove toxins from the blood. Since the kidneys can’t remove the toxins, they simply build up. This is a very serious condition and is usually fatal once finally diagnosed.


There are two types of canine kidney failure, namely acute and chronic. Acute kidney failure occurs suddenly and can sometimes be reversed. Chronic kidney failure occurs over the course of months and years. This type of canine kidney failure is not reversible.


There are many different factors that can cause both acute and chronic canine kidney failure. One of the most common causes is when your dog ingests chemicals such as pesticide, herbicide, and antifreeze. Certain medications can also bring about a case of canine kidney failure. These include antibiotics, blood pressure, and anti-inflammatory medications.


If your dog is suffering from canine kidney failure, he will display a variety of symptoms. They include loss of appetite, depression, fever, and weight loss. Your dog will also experience increased thirst which in turn leads to increased urination.


As mentioned earlier, chronic canine kidney failure occurs over the course of months and years. Therefore, it is often diagnosed only when it has reached later stages. The veterinarian will have to perform a complete physical exam and also go over your dog’s medical history. A blood and urine test will also need to be performed in order to diagnose canine kidney failure accurately.


Kidney tissue can’t regenerate, so treatment focuses on making your dog more comfortable. Like the human version of the disease, canine kidney failure can be treated with dialysis. In severe cases, your dog may need a kidney transplant. Both of these treatment methods are expensive for the owner. Dialysis will also prove to be time-consuming.

